Travel Tips for Italy Food Travel

Travel tips for Italy food travel

Who doesn’t love traveling to Italy — it’s simultaneously beautiful, inspirational, reflective, and decadent at once!

Whether your travel style is enjoying the well-trodden cities or you prefer to get off the beaten path, the food is the biggest reason any foodie visits Italy.

But it never hurts to prepare yourself with some background of the food and places you’ll be visiting, if only to show a bit of respect for the people who call it home — any glimmer of prior knowledge of their food, culture, or history won’t ever go unnoticed by Italians, and they won’t soon forget it.

Learning a few simple Italian phrases, knowing your way around a train station, knowing how to order cicchetti in Venice, or just a few fun facts about the food in Italy will go a long way to making your trip as smooth and relaxing as possible.

A bit of knowledge is all you need!

The following posts offer travel tips, language tips, and other helpful knowledge and hints to make your food travel to Italy the best it can be.

Travel Tips